This May-weekend Ordinary Mind, Umeå Sweden, is hosting a traditional 4-day sesshin via Zoom.
All times in the following are CET (Swedish time)
We’ll begin the formal sesshin on Wednesday (12th) at 18.00, and end the sesshin on Sunday (16th) at latest 12.00.
There will be an Organizational meeting at 17.00 and a Newcomers Orientation meeting sometime before that
About sesshin
Sesshin is an intensive Zen retreat with about 8 hours of zazen (sitting meditation) every day. The word ‘sesshin’ is Japanese and means ’touching the heart-mind’.
Full sesshin days will begin at 5.00, and end at 20.30.
There will be zazen, work practice, chanting, yoga/body practice, metta practice, sharing meals etc., as usual, but everything will be done online.
A sitting block usually consists of three 30-minute zazen periods which are separated by 10-minute walking meditation (kinhin) periods. Each 3x30 minutes sitting period is followed by breakfast/lunch/dinner/work practice/rest periods depending on the time of the day.
Dharma talks are given by the teacher once a day, and there is also a possibility for dokusan Dokusan is a private meeting with our teacher Karen Terzano where you have the possibility to discuss your practice.
Full time participation is recommended.
If that is not possible, part-time participants can join the program on Friday (12th) at 18.00.
For part-time participation, contact the jikido:
Fulltime: 50 Euro, 500skr
Parttime: 25 Euro, 250 Skr
The profit will be sent to OMZ to support the maintenance of the retreat center.
Registration can be found here
Once you have registered, you will receive more information about the online sesshin practicalities.