Schedule and sitting plan
Please notice that attending the program on the first saturday night, the last block on Friday, and the full following program for the half day on Saturday 30th are mandatory unless you have work obligations. Otherwise you are asked to make your own sitting plan fitting your own schedule and to stay with your own plan - if you have work obligations, sit as much as is possible in the given circumstances.
Every day of the sesshin, our online zendo will open at 05:00 Finnish Time, at 04:00 Swedish time, and will remain open until 22:00 FT, 21:00 ST. Sit as much of the 05:00 to 08:00 block and the 19:00 to 22:00 block that is reasonable for your life.
A written commitment as to the hours each person will sit for those blocks (and throughout the day) will need to be submitted in writing before the sesshin kicks off.
Each person will choose these hours for themselves and are free to enter and leave the zendo as needed.
There will be formal sitting blocks during the day, but there will also be “rest” (individual practice) periods when each participant will need to monitor their own time as there will not be a jikido to ring bells.
Work and life as forms of practice
During the sesshin you are asked to practice by integrating your working life into sesshin by committing to ONE practice which incorporates your regular working day into sesshin. For example:
- Take a deep breath and body scan before you answer a ringing telephone.
- Set your watch to buzz every hour to remind you to get up from your desk and walk mindfully to the water cooler and mindfully drink a cup of water, tasting each drop and noticing the coolness.
- Commit to watching your during meetings, watching for habitual reactions, ie. Aversion, pleasure, etc..
There are many possibilities that you may choose to integrate more than one practice into your working day, and we will only ask you to commit to one in writing.
If you're not working in such a fashion as above during the period of sesshin, you are kindly asked to consider what you will choose to do during a daily work period (time(s)chosen by yourself) and commit to that in writing as well.
Teachers, talks and dokusans
Karen is going to participate throughout the entire sesshin, Magnus almost entirely having few work obligations. Dharma talks will take place each night during the second period of the after dinner zazen block. If you are working during that time, we will arrange to record the evening talk and make it available to you the next day.
For Dokusans there will be a signup sheet. Due to the unique form of this sesshin, it might not be possible to get every person in every day for dokusan. If you are able to carve out a private 15 minutes in your working day, you are encouraged to sign up for then, if you want to make sure you get in for dokusan.
Dokusans will be on skype and your skype name is asked in the registration form.
There will be no fee to register, but a recommended donation of 100 euros is suggested. If you can be more generous. please do so. If you cannot give much at this time, feel free to give what you can afford. The donations are paid on the account of the association, that is FI02 1146 3500 8154 41 , NDEAFIHH. Please write "online sesshin January 2021" to the free text bar. Donations will keep the association moving and help us to maintain and renovate the Lammi Zen Center.
For more information, please contact teachers: