Rohatsu is coming up and many of us have no possibility to join our beloved Lammi, Finland this year. Therefore we invite all sangha members of Ordinary Mind Europe to join for two Saturdays Zazenkai online with our Swedish teacher Magnus Norén.
Saturday 5/12 and 19/12
kl.12.00 - 15.15 (Irish timezone)
kl.13.00 - 16.15 (Swe/german timezone)
kl.14.00 - 17.15 (Fin timezone)
10 euro or free donation
Between these two pillars you have a two week chance to commit a little more to your practice.
Possible commitments:
Sit every day,
Sit 10 minutes longer
Learn a sutra or chant by heart
Take one breath before you answer the phone
Stay off social media or you phone
Do slow kinhin outside for an hour
Do 108 prostrations
Really listen to others
Eating all meals mindfully without reading
Doing only one thing at a time
Participating fully in what life presents
Memento Mori
Do one thing that you always avoid
Hold on to one of the ten grave precepts for two weeks:
I take up the way of supporting all life
I take up the way of taking only what is freely given, and giving freely all I can
I take up the way of engaging in sexual intimacy respectfully and with an open heart
I take up the way of speaking truthfully
I take up the way of cultivating a clear mind
I take up the way of speaking of others with openness of heart
I take up the way meeting others on equal ground
I take up the way of being generous
I take up the way of not holding on to anger
I take up the way supporting the boundless manifestations of the three treasures
or whatever is in front of you on the path :-)
An advice is to make your commitment just a little wider than your everyday scope. Lets make this into an exploration into wider circles and an invitation to curiosity, not another burdensome task to put in the pile.
If you have any questions on the forms, video conferencing or other technical details reach out to JennieLouise who will be jikido.
Any questions on the practice or about the commitment ask Magnus, before, during or after the practice period.
Jennie Skoglund
Magnus Norén
You will then get the zoom link and more detailed schedule.
This is primarily an event for people who have attended sesshin and zazenkai in our lineage. If you like to join and have not attended sesshin, let us know in the registration and we will give you the information you need.
three bows / Magnus Norén & Jennie Skoglund